Marias Clandestinas



Currently, six countries prohibit abortion under any circumstances and typify prison sentences for every person that tries to perform or facilitate an abortion (Chile, Vatican City, El Salvador, Malta, Nicaragua and Dominican Republic). Sentences can run up to forty years. In the contexts of poverty and marginalization, Latin American woman face what reproductive justice activists call “reproductive oppressions”. Abortion is not only a matter of choice but of access.

Meanwhile, “pro-life” activists use the features of 3D printing to talk about the life of the fetus, transfeminists groups have been pushing the boundaries of DIY gynecology. Inspired by their work, Marias Clandestinas uses a queer decolonial feminist framework to speculate how 3D printing could be used to combat privilege and provide access to clandestine abortion kits where abortion is banned.  This DIWObio (Do-it-with-Others) project responds to the rise of the DIY abortion with an active online support network, and a number of open-source mass-customized tools. In a world where countries suffer from capitalism’s requirement to reproduce the labour force, social justice and reproductive justice go hand in hand.

Marias Clandestinas is part of the Additivist Cookbook. A compendium of imaginative, provocative works from over 100 world-leading artists, activists and theorists devised and edited by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke. It contains 3D .obj and .stl files, critical texts, templates, recipes, (im)practical designs and methodologies for living in this most contradictory of times.

In collaboration with Biayna Bogosian

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